Mino Obigiwasin is an Anicinape organization that was established to provide child and family services to its population following an agreement signed with the CISSSAT on the management of youth protection for the 4 Anicinape communities of Kitcisakik, Lac Simon, Pikogan (Abitibiwinni) and Long Point (Winneway). Mino Obigiwasin's vision is to ensure that all children and families have a stable, safe, happy environment rooted in the Anicinape culture.
Historical background :
Incorporated on July 4, 2019, Mino Obigiwasin Anicinape Child and Family Services was a project in the works since 2018 with the four (4) Algonquin communities mentioned above. It is a bipartite agreement with the Centre Intégré de Santé et de Services Sociaux de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue (CISSSAT) that allows our organization to manage services under sections 33, 37.6 and 37.7 of the Youth Protection Act (YPA). Since the signing, Mino Obigiwasin has been able to start offering multiple child and family services such as specialized services (May 2020), foster care services (February 2021), intervention services for evaluation and orientation and applications of measures (April 2021) and finally legal services (October 2021).